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Sex, Drugs, and Suicide

Loyal readers: I’m so grateful you joined me on this blog. It’s been a while since I’ve posted, and I’m happy to say that I’m back on the wagon! When I slowed down posts two years ago, I was making a major career transition. Since we last...

Slowing down

This week I listed all my priorities, and decided that this blog was number 9. (Really number 14 if I enumerate out the members of my immediate family and my “real” jobs.) What beat it out? Improving my spirituality, my relationships with family and friends, my work...

All behaviors make sense

Why do we do what we do? Because it makes sense. Our actions may not be fully aligned with our long-term goals. But in the moment, there is a reason for what we do. We may want to feel better or avoid immediate pain. We may do something we’ve always done without...