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All behaviors make sense

Why do we do what we do? Because it makes sense. Our actions may not be fully aligned with our long-term goals. But in the moment, there is a reason for what we do. We may want to feel better or avoid immediate pain. We may do something we’ve always done without...

Indolent addictions

The word addiction is almost always met with strong emotions. There are several technical definitions, and in my opinion, it’s nearly impossible to adequately define terms without making some form of moral judgment. Everyone is comfortable with applying the term...


“The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” A true saying, but not always helpful. It’s important to recognize where things aren’t going well and apply deliberate pressure. At the same time, there is power in being able to recognize problems, set aside the ones that aren’t...

Problems without easy fixes

Few problems have simple solutions. Most require sustained, consistent work. And so when an easy, one-time solution comes along, we naturally gravitate towards it.  There has been a lot of enthusiasm about the upcoming vaccines to prevent COVID-19. I’m excited...